Official Site of Author, Gary Scarpa

About Gary...
Gary Scarpa is a lifelong resident of Shelton, Connecticut. He enjoyed a lengthy and fulfilling career in secondary education as an English teacher and a guidance counselor, and along with his wife, Francesca, founded a non-profit theater in Connecticut in 2005. After his retirement from both education and theater, he reinvented himself and began writing fiction.

Now for Sale​
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A new decade is about to begin, and Gabriel DeMarco can’t seem to get it right – not at home or in school and not with sports or with girls. Gabriel has grown up in turbulent times, beginning with the assassination of an American president when he was only eleven. Now, seven years later, he finds himself in the midst of civil rights and war protests, and he’s not quite sure how he fits in.
Stuck in an awkward limbo between boyhood and manhood, he attempts to navigate the world of romantic relationships without a rudder while also contending with his strong-willed father. To make matters worse, Gabriel experiences repeated loss, leaving him disillusioned and directionless.
In his innocence, Gabriel decides that meeting a favorite recording artist will inspire him and help him to get on track. After a trip to a concert at Carnegie Hall proves fruitless, Gabriel stumbles upon a new opportunity while on a summer road trip when he finds out about an outdoor folk festival, and his goal suddenly seems within reach. Of course, meeting a celebrity is easier said than done, and Gabriel has spent the last few years learning the hard way that, in life, we don’t always get what we want.
Will the road from Connecticut to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina be an adventure that leads Gabriel to his goal, and can he overcome the obstacles standing between him and the object of his dreams?
The answers to these questions lie in the pages of Still Life.
Sometimes funny and other times dramatically poignant, Gary Scarpa’s newest novel, Still Life, is a hero’s journey toward independence and self-realization. It is a story about the importance of music, art, and creativity in helping us to cope with our unique vulnerabilities. It is a lesson in not needing to have all the answers, but rather in having the willingness to face life’s uncertainties with fortitude and hope.
Also by Gary Scarpa
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books available to buyers:

The Scarpa Team
As a family, the Scarpas worked in partnership to create theater in the Lower Naugatuck Valley for decades. After Gary and Fran opened Center Stage Theatre in Shelton in 2005, Gina and Mia were tremendously instrumental in the success of the organization. In the process, the Scarpa family turned Center Stage into a thriving non-profit with a budget of over a half million dollars. As Gary began writing original works, he saw that the Scarpa Team had the skills to help make his venture into the world of writing successful as well.

The Book Corner
Welcome to Gary's blog where he will expound on writing, art, life, and other topics!
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